Careers Educations & Admissions


Career education helps students to develop the skills that are needed to evaluate potential career paths. Students engage in hands-on learning to master a craft, such as plumbing, automotive technology, cosmetology, or welding. Career education contrasts vocational training, which requires students to participate in an array of academically oriented subjects.

Why is Career Education Important?

The choices that young adults make in school have long-lasting impacts on their careers. A primary function of secondary education is to prepare students for the workplace. Career education provides them with the skills, knowledge, and encouragement they need to get the most out of their desired career path.

Students display higher levels of engagement and motivation when they have a clear understanding of what they want to do. Career education hones their focus so that they can make informed choices about their careers. Teachers and counselors provide the essential guidance that creates a bridge between education and career.

How Positive Action can Help

Positive Action prepares students for the workforce by developing skills for evaluating potential career paths and being a productive employee within an organization. As a part of the underlying philosophy, Positive Action challenges students to think about their best skills and abilities as they form their self-concept.

This introspective exercise requires students to consider their educational opportunities and find the best path to develop their interests.

Career Education Standards

As a broader effort to align to academic standards, Positive Action was independently evaluated for alignment to career education standards. Below is a list of the career education standards that were found to correlate with Positive Action lessons.